Healthy Cheese Varieties That Are Diet-Friendly

Healthy Cheese Varieties That Are Diet-Friendly 14 Jun 2019

When it comes to health, most cheeses tend to have a bad reputation. Those who are obsessive weight watchers have a special phobia of all cheese types. As most people believe that consuming any cheese can raise blood cholesterol and also result in gaining weight, there’s no alternative but to consider it as an evil food that is best avoided.

On the contrary, not all cheese types deserve such aversion and dislike. Low fat cheese has fewer calories but is rich in calcium and protein. In fact, it can even assist in some weight loss by being a healthy addition to your diet.

Say Cheese to the Right Cheese

There is a range of healthy cheese types that can act as a catalyst to your weight loss goals. All you need to know is the right sort that will complement your diet. There are multiple varieties of cheese in the market. Therefore, finding which ones will work best for you can be a little tricky and challenging. 

However, you can start by excluding any processed cheese from your daily meals. That is the only variety that is indeed unhealthy as all processed cheese has excessive salt, vegetable oils along with food colouring and sugar. Artificial flavouring and preservatives that are put in processed cheese to extend its shelf life are extremely harmful.

Your Healthy Cheese Options

It is best to stick to organic or unprocessed cheese types as a part of your overall diet plan. Here are some options that can help in your weight loss diet.

1.      Mozzarella Cheese: A very popular variety of cheese globally, this Italian cheese is mostly used in pizzas and pasta. A type of stringy and stretchy cheese, it is made from cow, buffalo, sheep or goat milk. As per USDA data, organic mozzarella cheese has a low sodium content and comprises of only 280 calories per 100 grams, thus, a perfect weight loss aide. However, ensure that you stay away from any packaged, processed version.

     Feta Cheese: Made from goat or sheep milk, this traditional Greek variety crumbles as it is added to salads, sandwiches or pies. The taste is salty, tangy or mildly sour. USFA data states that feta healthy cheese contains 264 calories and 14 grams of protein per 100 grams of cheese.

    Cottage Cheese: Made out of fresh curd, cottage cheese is one of the healthiest varieties with a crumbly texture and a very mild milky flavour. Containing only 98 calories per 100 grams of cheese, it is a top choice amongst diet lovers.

     Ricotta Cheese: Another product of Italy, the ricotta cheese is made from the milk of the Italian water buffalo and whey protein. It contains only 174 calories and 11 grams of protein per 100 grams of cheese if the ricotta has been prepared from whole milk. The cheese is a perfect addition to traditional Italian desserts, for example, cheesecakes and cannoli. For diet watchers, it is recommended to keep the sugar quotient and fattening agents when preparing the ricotta cheese at home.

5.       Parmesan Cheese: With a strong taste, parmesan cheese is one of the popular choices amongst dieters. To get that salty, nutty taste, all you need to do is to sprinkle little quantities of Parmesan over your meal. The cheese is an ideal complement with a bowl of salad or soup and gives it that tiny bit of kick. A tablespoon of parmesan contains just 21 calories and has less than 1.5 grams of fat and 90 milligrams of sodium, that makes is a perfectly balanced cheese option for the diet lovers.  

 Cheese Types to Avoid

It is clear that organic and unprocessed cheese can really work their magic for those who are on a diet. However, certain cheese types should definitely be off the menu. For example, blue cheese contains approximately 8 grams of fat for every 100 grams of one-ounce serving. With 103 calories and around 9 grams of fat per ounce, goat cheese is also best dodged. There is 10 grams of fat and 99 calories per ounce serving in cream cheese which makes it a top contender for the cheese to avoid for dieters.

Speciality cheese such as Gruyere should be a ‘no – no’ as it has 117 calories and a little over 9 grams of fat per ounce of serve. Fontina, another speciality cheese contains 110 calories and around 9 grams of fat per one-ounce serving, which also makes a type that dieters should not indulge in at all.

The majority of cheese varieties have a high content of saturated fat. Too much consumption of any cheese over a significant time frame may possibly lead to poor cardiac health. Small portions are recommended. Crumbling healthy cheese over your meals will certainly not be a disruption to reaching your weight loss goals.

IICA, New Delhi

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